I'm a Certified Behavior Specialist and offering online courses for growth and self-love, as well as one-on-one Behavior Coaching.
Shaping behavior for the good ignites my soul as I watch people live in perfect harmony with what they desire. It's my life purpose and my calling. I eat sleep and breathe behavior.
My passion is teaching balance and harmony to show people out of the darkness of their situation into the light. I truly know that life doesn't have to be complicated and miserable. You and your loved ones can be happy.
My legacy is a judgement free zone. Everyone knows that there is light within them and that happiness is, not only possible, but far more rewarding than staying stuck in the struggle. Loving yourself and people around you will always be beautiful.​
Here’s what Love, Light and Behavior is offering you…
It’s a way to strengthen your relationships with your family, your friends, your children, your coworkers and your lovers… any of them. It creates harmony and balance where there was once chaos and confusion. It changes your world. It shifts the energy of families and relationships. In doing so, it shifts the whole planet as families drop the fear, anger, defeat and choose just love and light to shape behaviors.